Usually clients consider the features they'll get with a given cloud hosting plan and end up forgetting something just as important - the service uptime. As good as a plan can be, frequent downtimes may lead to lower search engine rankings and lost customers no matter what the reason behind them could be. Not surprisingly, really a few people would come back to a site that's unavailable 1 / 2 of the time, not mentioning the wasted funds in case you have invested in a marketing campaign. This is why, if you purchase a new web hosting plan, you should make sure that the service shall be stable and your Internet sites will be online always. This means a boost in traffic, or in case that you've got an online store, for instance, greater uptime would mean happier customers.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

All of our cloud hosting packages include a 99.9% service uptime warranty. We can easily reach that goal by using an innovative cloud hosting platform where every service (files, e-mail messages, databases, and so forth.) has its own cluster of machines. We don't run everything on just a single server as most companies do, so we have practically got rid of the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between servers for the best possible performance of your websites. If one web server fails, the other ones inside the cluster will take over in order to provide continuous functioning of the sites. To prevent infrastructural difficulties, our hosting server facilities use powerful diesel backup generators as well as several independent Internet providers as to make certain that website visitors will be able to reach your sites no matter what. We also have a group of expert administrators tracking the web servers 24/7/365.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server packages come with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. As a matter of fact, you will not notice any downtime or service interruptions at all because of the fact that we use a revolutionary cloud platform and instead of handling everything on just one server like most providers do, we have different clusters of servers that manage each service - files, emails, Control Panel, databases, etc. We've got a customized load-balancing system, so our hosting service is far more stable than what you'd typically find available. To ensure that nothing will disrupt the work of your Internet websites, our server facilities have diesel powered backup generators and a few independent Internet providers. We also have software and hardware firewalls to stop DDoS attacks and administrators overseeing the web servers 24/7 to sort out any software issue that may appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers

If you acquire a dedicated server through us, we guarantee that it'll be working a minimum of 99.9% of the time. In the first place, your web server is going to be constructed with new and thoroughly tested hardware components and we'll not make any compromises about that. Our data center in the core of Chicago offers powerful diesel backup generators, so even in the case of a power outage your server will still be operational and with many redundant Internet providers, your web sites will be accessible if there's any online connectivity problem. In case of any unexpected circumstances, we have trained system administrators which keep an eye on all hosting servers all the time and they can respond promptly to eradicate the problem in a very timely manner. Last but not least, our servers have hardware and software firewalls to prevent the unwanted traffic in the event of a DDoS attack.